Who uses this material?

People of all ages and backgrounds!

The total number that have signed up is around 13,000, but that's not including the 15,000 channel subscribers on YouTube, or the thousands of podcast listeners.

I've spoken with many Academy members over the years.

  • Sarah is a homeschooling mom with a passion for critical thinking. She's working through the material with her two teenage daughters.
  • Erin teaches writing at a local community college. She sends her students to the Academy for information on argumentative essay writing and guidelines for citing sources to avoid plagiarism.
  • Kenny is a philosophy student in his third year of university. He would like to become a critical thinking teacher.
  • Jaime is in seminary school, training to be a minister. He wants to learn how to think critically about Christian theology and apologetics.
  • Abdul is in law school. He signed up because he wants to learn more about argumentation and the psychology of persuasion.
  • Leah is a practicing scientist specializing in microbiology. She's interested in science education and science literacy, and is following the Academy course on Critical Thinking About Science.
  • Daichi is a student who lives in West Africa. He is trying to improve his thinking and writing skills so he can compete for scholarships and attend university.

We could go on for pages.

The people who sign up for the Academy come from such a range of backgrounds and motivations that I no longer think in terms of a "typical" student. There are pockets of shared interests, but everyone who signs up has their own story and their own motivations.